
眼睛是心靈的視窗,虹膜是人體的氣象站,通過虹膜來做健康檢測,將有利於人類及早發現疾病的根源,並且能針對性地及時調理,將疾病消除在萌芽之中,達到防病、保健的最高境界。通過虹膜反應的全息現象,可以看出體內各器官的狀況,特別是五臟六腑的平衡及精、氣、神的體現。毒素累積的部位及程度,分析的器官組織細胞的損傷情況,甚至先天的遺傳弱點都能發現。可觀察全身體質、 血液潔淨程度、 免疫功能低弱,身體處在健康還是
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We(Re-Borny Jewelry Int'l Co Ltd ) are the manufacturer of stainless steel chains & jewelry and the specialist in CNC stone setting on watch cases. In 1977, Re-Borny Headquarter was established i

Location:地點: Marina Cove 匡湖居 Size:尺數: 1896' Garden : 373' No. of room(s):房間: 3(1) Remarks: 樓盤價格 售價Sale Price:: NIL 租價RentPrice:: 60K 樓盤查詢或交易: Contact Agent:聯絡人:: Tel: 2791 2666
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金堡瑪國際電業有限公司 專營各類汽車零件及汽車影音器材,公司的理念為「創新、開拓、全面」。公司負責人累積了十多年從事汽車行業的業務銷售及市場經驗,以創新手法向市場推廣及提供最優質的專家汽車產品。除本地批發外,同時亦經營海外批發,業務遠至北美洲、歐洲,近至東南亞等地。本公司經銷之產品深受同業及用家歡迎,當中代理的美國CRITICAL MASS 的真空管(膽)前置系統及MPS電子整流器更為業界帶來全

About Main Focus Founded in 2000, Main Focus serves the market with a broad range of car lighting products. At present we have several major distributors and dealers all over the world. And now we ar

Welcome to ASIA YACHT SERVICES ASIA YACHT SERVICES offers international yacht sales and yacht brokerage services for a wide variety of new and pre-owned yachts. Our Gold Coast location in Hong Kong i
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DacEasy (HK) Ltd. Founded 1990 Company Structure DacEasy (HK) Ltd. is a Hong Kong company, affiliated with POP Electronic Products Ltd., dedicated to sell Products with brand name DacEasy. Markets Da

THE LINEAR MAKATI Targeting the younger generation working in Makati, Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) has come up with The Linear, a master-planned mixed use residential and commercial development that en

Mona-Rae® Diamonds is inherited from family heritage in Antwerp since 1956 and the founder of Mona-Rae® Diamonds takes pride in being the second diamond craftsman who cut & polish the &ld
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Invest in the Philippines! know more about Real Estate in the Philippines! REAL ESTATE PHILIPPINES BLOG is here to give you all the information you need to know regarding real estate in the Philippine
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Brand New Mosquito Net and Stand for Baby cot for sale. Selling at S$55. Pls sms 96930495.

Welcome to Peak Florist, providing fresh flowers and arrangements since 1972. We've been constantly working to be the best florist with the most extensive selection of fresh flowers. We take great pr

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We are a small cattery located in Hong Kong. We specialized in producing both Himalayan & Exotics, including colorpoint & lynx point. We are not a pet store and do not provide “stuck se

Real Estate Services Residential Leasing We provide detailed information about the local living environment and housing market, and help to identify an apartment or house that fits the client’s requi
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Pacific Relocations - Pacific Properties
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